Anime Adventures Wiki
Anime Adventures Wiki



The Time Machine is a landmark located in the Lobby. Entering it will teleport you out of the main experience to AFK for gems. AFK'ing will grant the normal Player +3 Gems every 150 seconds, and the VIP player or roblox premium owner +6 Gems every 150 seconds. As of Update 19, Time Machine is currently disabled.


  • VIP and Roblox's Premium subscriptions do stack with each other.
  • AFK'ing in here is one of the best ways to gain lots of gems when you're away from your device. Using a macro software such as tiny task to automate infinite runs lets you gain more gems per session.
  • You should participate in this daring event with caution as afking for a long time could lead to your PC/mobile device overheating and possibly shuting off.
  • The only way to save your gems is to click "leave and claim reward". If you get kicked out while you're in the Time Machine, it will save your gems, but closing Roblox won't.
  • If you're using the time machine for over 20 minutes, use an auto clicker so that you won't be kicked.


Every Hour

Every 8 hours

Every 24 hours
