Q: Is the game available on Mobile?[]
Q: Is the game available on Xbox?[]
Not yet.
Q: What is the difference in damage between a Level 1 Unit and a Level 100 Unit?[]
A Level 100 Unit does around 9.204x more damage than a Level 1 Unit.
Q: What does Critical Chance do?[]
Some MythicalMythical and Secret units with physical damage have a chance to do a critical attack, which makes it do 50% more damage. The exception is Levy Ackman, who does 100% more damage when he attacks with his critical hit.
Q: How do I get more Gems?[]
Refer to the Gems section on the Currencies page.
Q: Why do I get items from the banner? Does this mean I didn't get a unit?[]
No, items are rare drops from the banner in addition to units. You always get at least one unit for each summon.
Q: The game is too laggy, what can I do to reduce lag?[]
You can reduce the lag by turning off some options in Settings.
Q: What codes are there?[]
Refer to the Codes page.
Q: What are Shiny Units?[]
Shiny units are very rare skins for units and are purely cosmetic. You have a small chance to get a shiny from each summon. Also, you can exchange shiny units for trait fragments
Q: What are traits?[]
Traits are special unit powerups that can significantly boost its Damage, SPA & Range. For more details, refer to the to the Traits page.
Q: Why are my unit stats different than my friend's if they are the same character?[]
Units have randomized stats that boost its Damage, SPA & Range. For more details, refer to the Powerups page.
Q: How do I play Infinite Mode?[]
Finish all Levels of a World to unlock its Infinite Mode. Each world's Infinite Mode has its leaderboard, and you can gain gems by reaching certain waves per day for each world's Infinite Mode.
Q: Do gems save when you get kicked/disconnected from the Time Machine?[]
Refer to the Time Machine page.
Q: What do some abbreviations mean on some pages?[]
Refer to the Terminology page.
Q: What is the difference between Kills and Takedowns?[]
Kills are only registered if the unit itself kills the enemy. For example, if Uru and Aizen are on the map, if Uru does the "final hit" it only registered for Uru. Takedowns are some-what like "mob-sharing", meaning as long as the unit hits the enemy, whether it does the final hit or not, a takedown is registered.
Q: How does one level up their units quickly?[]
To quickly level up a unit to level 50 - 60, you can just play with a unit in a latest story mode. To quickly level up a unit to level 100, fuse the unit with legendary units summoned from banner.